January 17, 2010

Simple Steps To A Happy Life: Week 1

Here is the first full week of Simple Steps To A Happy Life:

You have to realize that some disagreements and disappointments have no point and should be dropped and not pushed. If you push something of no point if never goes away
(Man oh Man! I am really guilty of this!)

Happy people do not have one success after another; and unhappy people one failure after another. They have basically very similar lives, similar life experiences. The difference is that on average an unhappy person spends more than twice as much time thinking of unpleasant events in their life, while happy people tend to seek and rely upon information that brightens their personal outlook

Events are only temporary

Don't blame yourself

It makes more sense to deal with outcomes than with fault. Don't blame yourself because only some things are in your control and some things are out of your control

Blaming yourself does not fix the problem! Blame is about the past, a plan of action is about the future

It doesn't take everything you have, and everything you can get your hands on to wind up where you want to be

Pass happy thoughts along!

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