January 24, 2010

Simple Steps To A Happy Life: Week 2

Did everyone have a positive week? Here's week 2:

Realize that complete satisfaction does not exist - set your sights on being generally satisfied or generally happy, not on expecting every aspect of life to be perfect - if you can accept this, you can accept what you have
(I strive for perfection too much and am often left disappointed in myself)

Happy people let themselves be happy. Unhappy people continue to do the things that upset them

There is no objective way to tell if you have has a good life, a good day or a good hour. Your life is a success based upon your personal judgment

Measure your life not by the greatest moments but against some of the tough days you have had

Valuing what you have over what you do not or cannot have leads to greater unhappiness. People who like what they have are twice as likely to be happy as those who actually have the most

Laugh More! It improves personal happiness by 1/3

Find more common interests; proven to improve a relationships ability it last

All you have to do is think happy thoughts!

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