February 1, 2010

For Just One Day . .

 . . . I would like to be invincible. I would like to tell everyone how I felt, not worry about the reactions I got or the consequences from what I said. This doesn't apply to anyone in my personal life - just those in my surroundings. And I don't know, maybe I have just become sensitive. I'm not sure. But to me it seems everyone in public has become rude and offensive. So since I am too chicken to do it in real life I will do it here:

To the man on the bus screaming into your cell phone about you divorce, how awful your soon to be ex wife (and mother of your children) is - no one wants to hear it. No one! So save that conversation for when you get into your car.

To the teenage girls on the shuttle downtown talking about sex, using a curse word between every other word you say - some things are meant to be private and such language should not come out of your mouth, especially when in public and you look like you are 12. (I better never catch Taylor acting like this)
To the teenage boys on the shuttle downtown - you have headphones for a reason! No one wants to listen to the music you are listening to so don't sing it out loud! Especially the rap songs!
To the young mom's walking downtown with your babies - when someone holds the door for you so you can get your stroller through the door with ease, thank them!! We all know being a mom is tough but it doesn't mean you are excused from using your manners.
And last but not least - if someone in your office says 'good morning' respond with a like gesture and do not act like you are better than they are!
That's my rant for the day.

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