February 28, 2010

Simple Steps To A Happy Life: Final Week

Well the final week is upon us. I would love to hear what everyone thought of it!

Week 7:

Do more things everyday that make you happy no matter how silly they seem

Thinking of fun, enjoyable past memories on a regular basis can lead you to happy, positive thinking in the now

Finish what you start! Care about what you are doing and do it right

The problems you spend your time and energy thinking about should be both important and improvable

Take a moment each day to think about the simple pleasures of your daily life

Envying other peoples relationships is pointless! The best hope is to enjoy every relationship you have, neither forcing them to meet some artificial standard nor holding them up for comparison with anyone else's life or loves

If you learn to ease yourself into new circumstances, changes you make in the future will be easier for you

Remember to pass along happy thoughts to everyone around you. No one likes a negative Nancy (no pun intended to either of my amazing Aunts)

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