April 20, 2010

Planting, Bubbles, Slurpees and Randomness

This weekend we had great weather. We didn't have any set plans, besides visiting people in the hospital and seeing DJ's grandpa before he had surgery. So we did a little of everything.

Taylor loves being outside. I am not using the word love lightly either. When it's time to go inside you better be prepared for a fight. If you go outside without her, plan on hearing the screams and little fists banging on the door. It's so cute though. Grandma was planting and doing yard work and of course Taylor had to help. We brought out all her garden tools and she went right to work. She loved finding worms too. She isn't scared of them like her daddy is :o)

(pardon the picture quality. I took them with my phone)

We played with bubbles too. I need to find more of these little containers for her. DJ and I got one for her Easter basket and I am in love with it. It's no spill bubbles. I held it upside down and not a drop fell out. Amazing!
The hill on the side of grandma and grandpa's house was deemed too steep by Taylor. She won't walk down it. Everytime she gets close she sits down and either crawls and scoots down the hill. It's so adorable.

"Do you want to try grandpa??"

And as a treat on a nice hot day, we got slurpees from 7-eleven. I didn't think anything of it at the time but Taylor was eating Oreo's when I shared my slurpee with her. I got a big chunk of cookie through my straw on the next drink. That was the end of my slurpee.

Every kid gets a bad mom hair cut at least once in their life right? Well Taylor got hers on Sunday night. Her bangs grow like weeds. I can't keep up with them. Besides, how hard could it be to trim her bangs? I do my own all the time. The difference is, I keep my head still. Her bangs are now crooked and too short. At least hair grows fast.

DJ is sick. Friday he went to the doctors and found out he has laryngitis. It's not getting better. He went back yesterday. He keeps running a fever and now has a sinus infection on top of the laryngitis. As much as I tried to stay away (we even stopped kissing!) I am now getting sick too! I hope he gets feeling better soon.

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