August 2, 2010

Again. . .

Wow, I've gotten really bad at blogging. Since I started going back to school in June I thought I might have time to talk about my classes, how much I enjoy being home with my family more, how I am coping with less sleep. Unfortunately, I haven't had much time for anything. So I'll recap all the events that have been going on. I've also decided that I have to make it a priority to blog at least once a week (hopefully I can manage more than that though).

Taylor is so funny now. She is more talkative than ever and loves the phone. Some days when she is crabby we have to call people that I know will talk to her. It's usually Daddy when he is at work, grandma or grandpa and Aunt Kara. They all usually answer their phone and all find time to talk to her. One night she had a 30 minute conversation with Grandma Cheryl, Grandpa Stuart and Aunt Kara. And walking through Target one day we had to call and talk to Grandma Carrie for 15 minutes while Mommy paid for everything. Some days my phone is my life line - literally.

We are working on sentences with her. She will repeat everything you say for the most part. . .but she won't say Love when you ask her to say I Love You. She only says I and You and gives you a blank stare when you ask her to say Love. Thank you is something we are working on too. When she was younger she had a hard time saying please but now says it very well. Instead of please it was always 'yes'. She says 'your welcome' instead of thank you. We're trying. :o) My favorite to work on with her has been "please help me". It's so cute.

Tay loves helping cook dinner now. Her favorite to help make is stuffed shells. I think she is a big cream cheese fan. One day I let her sit on the counter and stir for me while I made the noodles. This is what I turned around to find. . .

And when it came time to stuff the shells she wanted to be there too. She kept taking the shells out of the strainer though. I think she really thought we didn't know she shoved the entire jumbo shell in her mouth at once. . .

My niece got to come to town a few days before her birthday. I was excited to get the girls together to play. They are about the same size but Taylor is chunkier. They loved coloring together. Taylor was a little upset when Londyn took her birthday present home. I think Taylor thought it was staying here. I wish Londyn lived closer so we could have play dates all the time!

DJ and I booked our first vacation together. In April we will celebrate our 6 year anniversary and we still have not taken a trip together. oops! We decided after the crazy year we have had, we deserved and needed one. We are going to the Maya Riviera in September for 7 days. I can't wait. You can check out the resort we will be staying at Here. I'm going to miss Taylor so much while we are gone. I hope I come back a refreshed and renewed Mommy though.

The summer semester is almost over! I have finals on Monday the 9th, one final on the 15th and then it's over. Usually there is a 2 week break between summer and fall semesters but because I took online classes and with the schedule of my fall semester, I get 5 days off. My fall semester will begin on the 21st. I am taking 3 of my classes online because it's all that was left. Microbiology, Medical Terminology and Music Appreciation will be taken online. I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology on the campus but I could only get into the class if I took it on Saturday's. I am looking forward to being home everyday though with Taylor. I think it's going to be a great fall! Since I started going back to school I have been working on homework during Taylor's afternoon nap and after she goes to bed. Occasionally if I am over loaded with homework I will work on it when DJ is home with her. It's been hard to get used to all the required work. I wouldn't take 4 classes during the summer again, that's for sure. But I only have to get through the fall and spring semester before I start the nursing program. Time is flying by!!

DJ's birthday is the 25th of this month. I am stumped on birthday gift idea's. Anyone have any good suggestions? He is looking forward to this birthday because he will be turning 25 and he knows our insurance rates are going to drop! It's funny how everyone views birthday's differently! His mom's birthday is the 14th and his dad's birthday is the 30th. Lots to celebrate this month!

My baby sister leaves for Basic Training for the Army on the 30th. I'm very sad about it. I wish I could have spent the whole summer with her. I know we will still keep in touch but it's going to be hard getting used to her not being able to answer the phone whenever I call or text her. There isn't ever a day that goes by that we don't text and the most we go without talking is at the most a day or two. . . but when we do talk it's usually 3-4 times a day. She's the best. And speaking of her. . .she just turned 18 on July 28th! Even though it's late, you already got your birthday gift/card HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

We took Taylor to the Drive-In movie theater this weekend. It was so cute. She was so excited about 'sleeping' in the back of Daddy's truck.

I love that she always finds her pockets and walks around with her hands in her pockets for a while.

And just for giggles. . . one day Taylor and DJ were taking a nap together. . .
But somehow DJ fell asleep with the wrong baby. . .

That's about all the news from here. I need to get some sleep so I can keep up with Taylor tomorrow.


Nancy said...

so glad taylor & londyn got some play time! we had fun with kara at table rock lake last weekend.

Anonymous said...

There's a man secure with being a DADDY !!