September 25, 2010


We've been back from Mexico for 10 days now and I had planned on having posts and pictures up of our fabulous trip already. Unfortunately if you take a vacation for 7 days, it takes 7 days to catch up. Well it's taken more than 7 days to catch up for me. I feel like the minute we got home we were thrown on the treadmill of life and everyday someone keeps cranking up the speed.

As soon as we got back DJ and I both got sick - it's that how it always is when you take a trip anywhere? We both just started feeling normal within the last couple of days. It wasn't fun for anyone. Now Taylor is sick. She had a head cold from the day we got back and actually went to the doctor for it last Monday. Last night she woke up vomiting and still isn't feeling well today. It was a very long night.

We got back Wednesday night and immediately unpacked and put things away. Thursday was spent doing laundry, cleaning house, running to the grocery store, catching up on homework and assignments. Thursday night I had plans with a friend of ours to go to the Great American Beer Fest. We had a great time but next time we take a vacation I won't make plans for the night after we get back.

Friday I had to take an Anatomy & Physiology exam and that was not fun at all. Word of advice. . . don't take a vacation while your in school! You say you will study on the trip (ie. the plane ride) but you won't. The exam was no fun at all. I wasn't motivated to do homework when I got home and wasn't ready to play catch up in the game of cat and mouse. But we made it through. Now, 10 days later I am as caught up as I will ever be except for all the reading they keep throwing my way.

Since our return our days have been filled with doctors appointments, trips to do grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning house, homework and endless phone calls with insurance companies.

Remember when Taylor had Torticalous? Right before our trip we found out that the insurance company we had in the beginning of 2009 denied two claims for Taylor's physical therapy. I'm still fighting it because under state law they should be covered and I am not about to pay $1858.31 out of my own pocket because an insurance company wants to deny physical therapy for a then 8 month old little girl.

And remember when Taylor had a seizure in May and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance? After many many fights with the ambulance company and insurance company we had to pay for that ride out of our pocket. Turns out there isn't a single ambulance company in Colorado that is considered in-network. The ambulance company denied the insurance payment and over charged us (they admitted this fact). After months of fighting this we convinced them the take $600 for the entire bill and drop it. Yesterday they finally agreed. The original bill was $1,927.00. Ridiculous right? During the ride to the hospital nothing was done for Taylor except a teddy bear they gave her. Talk about an expensive bear! At least it's done and over with now. But the entire medical system made me really mad.

So I promise I will have all the details of our trip up very soon!

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