December 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

November came and went. Thanksgiving flew by. And here we are half way through December. I have no idea where the last two months have gone. I must have fallen asleep and just woken up because I feel like I missed them.

I have a lot to post about. The fall semester ended on Sunday and I finally feel a little caught up on life. I have an entire month without homework and class. I am looking forward to it so much! But until I get everything up and posted I will leave you with my random thoughts. . .

- We finally started Christmas shopping. It was so fun this year but I learned a lot. I usually don't shop at Walmart and after last night I remember why.

- Little kids make Christmas so much more fun than adults do. Watching Taylor's face light up when she sees a Santa or Christmas lights would be enough for me this year.

- My little sister is homesick. She makes me want to cry every time I talk to her. It makes me wish I could curl up on the couch like we used to and just watch movies with her. I would love to stretch my arms to Arizona and give her a great big hug.

- Don't take your toddler Christmas shopping with you if you want the gifts to be a surprise. Taylor and I went shopping for DJ on Monday and I had a 20 minute conversation with her about making sure she didn't tell DJ what we got him. First she told me she wouldn't tell him. Then she said she would tell him to peek. He called after we left the mall and this was their conversation:

Taylor: Hi Daddy!
DJ: Hi Tay! Did you go buy me a present with Mommy?
Tay: No, a jacket!
DJ: (laughing) Oh, you bought me a jacket?
Tay: Yeah, a orange one.

- I'm starting to see Mickey Mouse everywhere. There are only two gifts under our tree that are not wrapped in Mickey wrapping paper. There is an inflatable Santa Mickey in our front yard. Most of the gifts we have bought Taylor this year are Mickey Mouse themed.

- Since when do stores start charging for their gift boxes?? Every store we bought clothes in said there was now a charge for gift boxes. Insane!

- I've realized the hardest part of parenting so far is trying not to laugh when Taylor does something wrong but it's so cute. When we go out to dinner she will face the booth, hold onto the top of it and start shaking her booty. DJ says she gets it from me (oops!). It's the funniest thing ever though! She will pucker up her lips and dip down low while she shakes her booty. She did it for the first time on Friday and I was in tears laughing so hard. Of course now she thinks it will make everyone laugh and tries to do it all the time. She shouldn't really but it's hard not to laugh.

- Every year we order 36 Christmas cards and usually have about 7-8 left over. I ran out and had to order more. I don't know how it happen. But I went through 50 Christmas cards this year and don't think I really sent any to people we normally wouldn't have.

- Now that school is out I am looking forward to catching up on my fav TV shows and reading a book that doesn't involve taking notes while you read.

I promise I will have something more interesting up here soon!

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