March 31, 2011


If I were to take a snapshot of our life right now it would come out blurry. We have been so busy lately that I haven't had time for really anything. So here are small snapshots of our current life:

 - We've had a sick baby all week. It hasn't been fun. 2 trips to the doctors, lots of tears, lots of worrying from mom and dad. Finally she is getting back to her normal active self!
This was her spot for nearly three days. She didn't move. When a toddler doesn't want to play games or even watch a movie you know they really don't feel good. But when she did find energy to do something her Daddy made it special for her

- DJ is really enjoying his new job. He said it's an amazing feeling to be working for a 'real' company again because they know how to treat their employees and actually care about their safety. :o)

- I am half way through the Spring semester and really love my classes. My fav is Sociology of the Family Dynamic. It really makes you look at your own family in a new light!

- Taylor has created a new version of the alphabet. It no longer includes letters 'J', 'N', 'O', 'U', or 'W'. We're working on it. And when you get to the end of the song when she should say 'Now I know my ABC's. . .  she says "Now I know my ABC. . . DEF. . . and starts right back into the song again.

- DJ got glasses. I don't have a picture yet but my goodness does he look smokin' hott! (just take my word for it)

- When DJ left his previous job he took almost 2 full weeks off to spend with me and Taylor. We tried to fill everyday with something special. I have a lot to post about but I have been slacking.

- Taylor loves the Dr. Seuss book 'Green Eggs and Ham'. She renamed it 'Sam I Am'. She loves reading so much that she will grab her books and read to My Daughter or any of her stuffed animals (even herself sometimes). There's only one problem. Every page says 'I don't like a green ham'. I have a voice clip of it but can't figure out how to post it. It's way too funny.

- Tay got to become a 'master brewer' with DJ a few weekends ago. She was quit stylish during the whole process too. The afternoon they were brewing she was taking a nap and DJ had already left. When she woke up she cried and cried "Daddy brewing beer wifout (without) me!!". She was very proud of her beer brewing

(This last one is very special)
- DJ and I celebrate our anniversary on Saturday the 2nd. I can't believe it has been 6 years already. It seems so unreal to me that time can go by that quickly. I am so lucky to spend my life with him.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

loved this little glimpse into your life. love to all of you.