May 19, 2011

Dreams and Leaving Home

Lately I've been dreaming of the same things over and over.  .  .  .

KITCHENS . . . .
 and . . .


No, I don't dream of doing dishes or folding laundry.

I dream of baking in my own kitchen. One that actually has a window and where everything is not within arms length of something else. I want to have to walk across the kitchen to pull something out of the fridge. Not just turn around. I want a dishwasher - one that doesn't go by the name of Mommy. And I want a full size fridge so I can make a full grocery shopping trip without worrying how everything will fit in the fridge.

I want a laundry room with my own washer and dryer. I want a space for folding clothes that isn't the top of some one's bed or our dining room table. I want a laundry room where everything has it's own place and I can close the door every once in a while and forget about the dirty clothes piled up - even if just for a day.

I know it sounds funny but these are what I dream about most of the time. And let's be honest. They don't even have to be this extravagant - just so long as I can call them mine.

So that brings me to my next topic - Leaving Home.

For the last 389 days I have been at home not working. I have LOVED staying home with Taylor. I can't even begin to express what a gift it has been to spend all my time with her. I have loved moving closer to my dream of becoming a nurse and I will continue to move closer to that goal. But because I would like my own kitchen and laundry room one day and DJ and I want nothing more than for Taylor to have a house to call her own (and eventually tell her that she'll be a big sister). . . I am leaving home and going back to work. Thankfully, DJ has a great job that can support our family so I am only going to be working part time so we can move closer to making our dreams come true.

I accepted a position with Boulder Community Hospital in their admissions department. The schedule I'm working couldn't work better for us. I'll be home in the mornings to get Taylor ready without being rushed, we'll still have some play time and I'll be home early enough for bath time and getting her ready for bed.

While I'll miss my time with Taylor and I know I'll feel like I'm missing out on stuff every now and then, I'm looking forward to going back to work.  

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