May 19, 2011

Things To Remember

Last night we went to a high school graduation and I couldn't help but be moved by all the crying mother's sitting around us. With Taylor sitting on my lap I couldn't help but think soon enough DJ and I would be sitting in seats similar to this, crying, and congratulating her on graduating high school. Most of the ceremony I could only think of all the things I want to remember about Taylor because before we know it she will be 18 and getting ready to leave home and start her own path in life.  

I want to remember:
 - how I am reminded every time we cuddle that she grew inside of my belly for 9 amazing months. Her little body has a perfect way of fitting with mine and it reminds me of how I felt when I was pregnant and laying in bed at night feeling her kick.

 - the deep belly laugh she gets when you tickle her. She even snorts sometimes

 - how much she loves to sing. When we drive in the car she will tell me she doesn't know a certain song and I need to change it to a new song just so she can find a song she knows the words to and can sing along

 - that every time she hears a train whistle she tells me in the most excited voice, "That's my daddy's train! He's almost home!" We laugh every time but sometimes I feel awful because it will be a full day before DJ will be home again

 - how she thinks she is boss. When she knows I or DJ are going to discipline her she will look at us sternly and say "here's yours problem. . . " and start babbling about what the real problem is

  - the smile that stretches across her face when she wrestles with her Daddy and the giggles that escape the bedroom while she is throwing her body across his in a body slam

  - how she answers the phone when her Daddy calls when he is over the road with work. She smiles ear to ear, laughs and says 'hey Daddy'

 - that even though it annoys me now,  I know I am going to look back and laugh at her shoe fetish. Eventually she will keep a pair of shoes on for more than 5 minutes before changing into a new pair.

 - how observant she is. If your on the phone with her and you cough or sneeze she says it sounds like your getting sick; or she says "it sounds like your tired" if you yawn; or how she can tell when you are just grumpy instead of truly mad - she told me the other day I was just grouchy.

 - that when she wants a book read she will drop it in your lap and say 'Talk about it'.

 - how badly she wants to go work and make money. The other night she took DJ's wallet, cell phone and keys and said she was leaving for work to go make money. DJ told her no and she needed to put his things back. She started crying, ran over to me and said "Daddy won't let me go make money!". One day this will not be the case. One day we will be hearing her say she doesn't want to get a job and we will be telling her if she wants money she will have to go work for it.

 - that every day she becomes more and more independent. Sometimes I yearned for the day she would be dressing herself, picking out her own panties and shoes, putting her own clothes in the hamper. Now I miss the days she needed me a little bit more because I know she is growing up so quickly. I adore how she tells me "I want to do it be me-self Mommy"

 - when she uses the restroom if we are at home or not in public I need to leave her alone; if we are at a restaurant or in public I have to turn around in the stall to give her the privacy she needs. At home when she calls me back into the bathroom she will say ". . . But plug yours nose first. It's stinky. . . "

 - she loves to type. I'll set the computer up for her to type or she types on my phone and every time she asks the same thing . . . "You need grocery list?"

 - the massages. She'll climb onto the couch behind you and randomly begin massaging your shoulders. When she's done she'll wrap her arms around your neck and say "I love you Mommy" or "I love you Daddy"

I hope I never forget any of the moments that make me smile

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