May 6, 2011

Randomness Of The Everyday

The other day just couldn't go right for me. It seemed like life was against me and pushing me to my limits. Taylor couldn't listen to anything I said, I had too many loads of laundry, homework was kicking my butt and everything seemed out of place. So I wasn't very surprised when DJ came home to find me cooking dinner and asked what as on my shirt. As a mom you are almost certain to always have something on your clothes - boogers, food, marker. I looked down and said "Oh, probably just boogers." (Taylor had had a small head cold) I would have been much happier to find boogers though. . .

If you look closely this is what you see . . .
A bird pooped on me. And I have no idea how long it had been on my shirt. Just knowing how the day had gone it was probably on my shirt when I went to the bank, the grocery store, Target and gymnastics. DJ laughed so hard and said he had to take a picture because he knew it was something I would have posted on the blog about him. Just something funny to add to a day of frowns.

DJ has homework every night while he is in training. And every night Taylor wants to help him study. I think it's so cute. The other night she was avoiding bedtime so bad because she was studying like her daddy . . . 
. . . such a priceless picture.

For my birthday DJ's parents gave me a gift certificate to get my nails done. I was so excited. So we planned a girls day out right before Jess (DJ's sister) had prom. Taylor, myself, DJ's mom and grandma and sister all went. It was Taylor's very first manicure and pedicure. She was so cute!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

OK, I know it's wrong to laugh, but the bird poop cracks me up! Ahhhh mommyhoood... it's always something!