December 31, 2011

Holiday Wrap-Up

Christmas came and went way to quick here. Before we knew it we were running around doing last minute shopping, cleaning house for expected guests and going to bed early knowing Santa would soon be coming. I don't know where it all went.

Regardless, we had a fabulous Christmas. We had the family over to our new house for our annual Christmas Eve. We ate wonderful BBQ, visited and opened gifts. Taylor was in heaven. Every gift she began opening was followed by a very loud "Oh My Gosh" accompanied by letting her arms fall to her sides. She didn't even know what she got but 'Oh My Gosh'. It was really cute. The best gift she opened was Baby Alive. She tore the paper from around the box just right so you could see Baby Alive's face. I thought she was going to cry. Her voice cracked, she paused and after inhaling deeply let out the softest "Baaaby Alllive". She was so happy. Once all the gifts were opened she wanted to play with nothing more than Baby Alive and her new accessories. Bless Aunt Ranee for having the patience and helping her put it all together. You're an angel.

When we woke up Christmas morning Taylor was so excited to see Santa came. 

Santa brought her a bike for her house. She was happy. It came with a bell and helmet too!

But most exciting for Taylor Christmas morning was seeing that Santa left a pink watch in her stocking. It was right on top and when she pulled it out - man, her reaction was priceless. I wish we would have recorded it. "Aaaahhhh we got it!!" As you can see before we could go find out if Santa made it to our house or not we had to get Baby Alive.

 I love her morning hair. It's priceless.

Santa left DJ tools and a Starbucks gift card in his stocking. He must have been very good.

And look who else got the tools they were asking for. . . The picture doesn't do it justice. She is in love with her tools.

Oh my goodness. You can just feel the excitement coming from this picture. I let Taylor really feed Baby Alive for the first time.

Then she really got to change Baby Alive's diaper. 

DJ got called to work shortly after breakfast and gifts so we snapped a real quick picture before he left.

Monday afternoon Taylor thought it would be a fun idea to ride her new bike through the house. I told her she could sit on it and we could take her picture instead. She agreed.  

But then she didn't want to take her helmet off because she wanted Daddy to see it on her. So she helped me unload the dishwasher wearing her helmet. I'm glad no one unexpected showed up. Don't know what they would have thought.

Later that night when Daddy returned from work he stayed up late helping Taylor put her work bench together.

She's such a good supervisor.

Taylor got some amazing gifts this year. But I must say one of my favorites was this book Aunt Kara sent her from South Korea. It's the cutest little book.

Now, don't think Santa forgot about me this year. He was actually very good this year when it came to me. I got a new camera - the Nikon J1. Best. Gift. Ever. And on top of that in my stocking I found gift cards for 600 pre-paid prints from Wolf Camera. I'm sooo excited! I'm finally going to have all of our family pictures printed out and family photo albums completed! Thanks Santa!

Since then I have been a little picture crazy while I'm figuring out all the amazing things this camera can do. I LOVE IT!

So I apologize in advance for all the pictures I'll be taking. I might drive my family nuts. :o)

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