December 24, 2011

Santa and Christmas fun

Santa. . .

I am so happy Taylor is at the fun age of beginning to understand Santa. It makes Christmas so much more fun. Difficult too. You have to hide to gifts a little better.

DJ took her to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop. She was scared at first but finally sat on his lap. She asked for Baby Alive, tools and a pink watch. It's stayed consistent all month too.

The other morning our local news station had their phone lines open so the little ones could call in and talk to Santa or one of his elves. After getting the busy signal the first few times Taylor finally got through. And Santa answered. Man was so excited! She asked him for a baby sister, Baby Alive, tools and a pink watch. He laughed and told her it would be pretty hard for Santa to bring her a baby sister but said he'd sure try his hardest to get her the other things she asked for. He told her Baby Alive is a big responsibility and asked if she was ready for a responsibility like that. I laughed so hard because Taylor tells everyone she wants Baby Alive because it pee's and poops. Joy!

And yesterday while we were running some last minute errands we were holding hands walking down one of the isles. She started skipping and said she was "SO CITED TO SEE SANTA"! I laughed but then again when we were home she said when Santa came to her house on Christmas Eve when everyone (the family) was here she was going to tell him all about her Christmas nail polish. She doesn't understand that Santa only comes if your sleeping. I have a feeling she will be slightly disappointed when she wakes Christmas morning and comes to find that Santa came but didn't say hi to her.

More Christmas Fun . . .

Last week we took Taylor to the Zoo to see all the Christmas lights. She was jumping, skipping and dancing the whole time.

 Taylor heard the song I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas while we were there and now she wants to have it played over and over and over and over again. I sing it in my sleep.

 We went into tropical discovery and these guys were going wild. I didn't even have my camera on zoom to get this close. It made me a little nervous. And dang these Howler Monkeys sure can howl!

Loved these guys

 Hope you all are enjoying the Christmas festivities around you!

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