December 18, 2011

Sweet Tooth

The Christmas Cookie Baking Extravaganza has come to an end. After 7 hours of baking, craziness, spills and messes my kitchen is somewhat restored to it's usual self. I love our annual Christmas cookie baking but this year we were down some helpers, gained a little helper who was more involved than in years past and it was held at our house instead of DJ's mom's.

I've always wanted Taylor to have a little apron of her own so this year I surprised her with one of her very own.

And look mom. . . . it's reversible!
(I didn't realize until now her zipper was down. We're working on her doing that by herself for when she starts school in January)

As always, we were well prepared for a long day of baking. Had DJ been home he probably would have had a heart attach seeing the kitchen as messy as it was.

Maybe next year we'll be more organized.
Taylor was Great Grandma's assistant all day.

Here's what happens when Taylor tries to stir it by herself. . .

Flour went flying everywhere.
While she wasn't busy assisting everyone she took it upon herself to be the taste tester. . .

And we always knew where Taylor had been helping out. There were flour hand prints everywhere.

This year she really got to help decorate the cookies. She didn't want any help or direction either.

It was a little more hectic than in years past but it made for some good memories.

I think we have the most colorful cookies we've ever had. Taylor was so proud of herself and I think she did a very good job!

Now we just need to put our will power to the test and try staying away from the cookies. :o)

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