January 5, 2012

Happy 2012

I love the beginning of a new year. The feeling of having a fresh slate to work with - setting goals, thinking of things I'd like to change or improve in my life.There's always a renewed sense of energy with the new year and I love that feeling.

A few weeks before the new year I kept spinning ideas in my head of new years goals I'd like to work on. I always pick a few new years resolutions to work on. Of course, like everyone else I'd like to be healthier but I need to be more specific to keep in line with my goals.

My 2012 New Years Resolutions:

 - Be More Organized. I already have a hectic schedule. But throw in Taylor starting school, taking harder classes the next two semesters, continuing to work and I have a feeling life will feel pretty crazy at times. Taylor is starting pre-school tomorrow and we are all so excited about it. But it also means she and I will need to get out of the house early 2 extra days a week. I need to make sure I stay organized so I'm focusing on the right things. When I should be studying I don't want to be worried about laundry, grocery/menu lists, housework etc. I also don't want to be running around forgetting things because I'm having trouble getting us out of the house on time in the morning. I need to get into a routine of sorts.

 - Be Healthy. I'd like to lose weight in 2012. Sooner rather than later if I had my pick. But for 2012 I would like to be more conscious of drinking water. When the weather gets better (or I get home before it's pitch black out) I'd like to start running again. I'd also like to do Pilate's - even if it is in the living room.

 - Be in the Moment. I feel like sometimes I'm in the moment without being fully present. I want to soak in every moment with Taylor and DJ. When she comes homes from school I want to give her my undivided attention. I want her to know that when I'm playing with her I am focusing on her and us - not the piles of laundry waiting to be done or the dishes that need putting away. And when DJ and I have a spare moment to hold an adult conversation sans interruptions, I want him to know I am listening to everything he says, not letting his words go in one ear and out the next. Too often I have caught myself wondering what Taylor was telling me or asking DJ to repeat himself. Sometimes I need to learn to let the cleaning and chores go for a little bit if it means focusing on my family.

I hope I'm able to stick to all of my resolutions. They shouldn't be too hard but I need to hold myself accountable.

What are your goals or resolutions for the New Year?

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