January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Jess!

Jess turned 19 on Saturday. To celebrate we had an All Girls outing to the Melting Pot. None of us had ever been there and man was it fun! It was such a romantic place. I said it would be a perfect place to propose if you planned on it in the future. The entire restaurant was dimly lit so it was hard to take pictures without using a flash. They all came out a little orange but I wanted you to get the effect of the lighting. We had a red lamp at our table.

Jess got to indulge in fruity girly drinks . . .

Can you see how excited Taylor was?
She took her first fondue experience very seriously. . .
Step 1 - make mom nervous by insisting I stab my own bread with a fondue fork.
Step 2 - concentrate super hard so I don't drop my bread.
(we got the spinach artichoke cheese. It was sooo good. I think I could live off it!)
Step 3 - laugh so hard I almost drop my bread because the cheese was so stringy.
Step 4 - Enjoy!
Of course Taylor is always the life of the party and no occasion is complete without her tossing in a few of her signature moments. After numerous times digging through her teeth she decided that whatever was stuck in there wasn't coming out itself. She needed to floss at the table. There's a reason we don't go to many fancy restaurants on a regular basis.

Another perk of Taylor? She likes to hug you in the middle of a meal and tell you she loves you. She did just that to Great Grandma out of the blue. And just as I was telling Great Grandma that's one of the many perks of sitting next to Taylor, Taylor announces to the table that she has just farted. Did I mention we don't go to fancy restaurants very often?

 I love mother-daughter moments. . .

I really wanted a picture of Taylor with her Great Grandma and Grandma. Unfortunately this was the best we could get. It shows her true self though. 

It wasn't until the end of the meal that we learned the rules of fondue. If your food falls off your fork and into the pot you have to kiss the person next to you or your significant other. I got lucky.
Our very cute waiter helped us sing happy birthday to Jess.
 . . .and built up the anticipation for dessert.
 Flaming Turtle Chocolate to roast your s'mores. How perfect!
There's a very funny story that goes along with our cute waiter. Jess would be a little embarrassed if I shared all the details but let's just say we all thought he was cute and flirting with Jess. At the end of the meal he asked if he could get us ladies anything else and Carrie said, "Yeah your phone number!" He said since he was working he wasn't allowed to but if she wanted to leave hers he couldn't do anything about that. So we did just that. Jess was bright red - you wouldn't know from the lighting though. I wrote her phone number down and we left it for him. If he never called it wasn't the end of the world but it did make for a great story.

At this point the night was pretty perfect. We had amazing food, great laughs and made some pretty good memories. But you know what made the night even better? Our cute waiter text Jess later that night. :o) And they're still talking. . . How's that for a good birthday!?!

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