May 11, 2012

Home Tour - Laundry Room

When we first moved into the house I thought it would be fun to create a virtual home tour on the blog. I knew it would be a while until we finished decorating/painting/organizing each room but I thought slowly I would capture each room as it was finished. Please, don't think we haven't finished even one room yet. I've just been slacking. I never realized what a long process 'moving' into a house would be. Of course, all the boxes are unpacked, pictures are hung, rooms have been painted, but in every room there are still a few things that just don't belong. So I'll start with the first room we finished -

The Laundry Room

Don't ask me why but I always told  DJ I wanted an orange laundry room. I never thought I'd have one. The day before our washer and dryer were to be delivered DJ told me if I wanted to paint the laundry room we needed to do it now for two reasons: 1) he had the time off and 2) he wasn't going to move the washer and dryer into the hallway just to paint after they were installed. I was at work while we had this conversation so I text him back, "OK, then I want it orange". Much to my surprise he agreed and the next day before work Taylor and I were perusing the many options at Home Deopt. DJ got the painting done while I was at work, the washer and dryer were installed, and I loved it. 

 The orange is brighter than we originally thought it would be but it helps make doing laundry more enjoyable.

I've often felt like that sometimes.

I love that this is one shelf in the house I know will more times than not always be clean and organized. At least I can get one spot in the house to stay chaos free.

But keeping that hamper free is another story . . .

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