October 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Taylor!!

I can't believe our little girl is already 4! I feel like I blinked and BAM! - she was 4.

We had her birthday party at Mid-Air Adventures. She was so excited! She got to invite 10 little friends to come play with her and all of the family was there too.

The little kids were all so cute! I tried getting at least one picture of all of them but the lighting was bad and no one really sat still long enough . . .

After the zip lining, rope swings and rock climbing we headed into the party room for pizza, cake and presents.

We loved having everyone there to celebrate with us!

When we got home DJ and I got to give her the present from us.

We wanted to give her something really special this year because she has been so patient with us. DJ doesn't have a normal schedule so he misses out on tucking her into bed at night, the first day of school and a couple of holidays last year. And she has been awesome at home letting me work on homework when I really need to. We really couldn't ask for a better little girl.

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