October 5, 2012

One Year and This Weekend

I woke up this morning to see snow. Not a whole lot but the ground is sprinkled white and the roof tops are white. Taylor was so cute when she saw it. She looked out her bedroom window, looking over the backyard and saw her trampoline was covered with snow. She said, all sleepy still, "I don't know how it got up there but I am going to go shove that snow right off it". Too funny. Does anyone else think it's still a little too early for snow? This time last year we were closing on the house and moved wearing t-shirts. 

I can't believe we have been in our house for a year. We moved in on Taylor's birthday and everyone said we set the bar really high last year by giving her a house for her birthday. I wouldn't disagree with that! Some days it feels like we have lived here forever and it just feels comfortable. Other times I look around and see all the projects we'd like to do and realize we have many, many years ahead of us here. I wonder how many years it will take us to have all our projects done? When you own a home, the work never stops. But I like it. I love knowing that for the next 10 years or more, Taylor will come walking through that front door after school and we'll keep building strong family memories here.

We sure have come a long way since then.

Speaking of family, my parents are on their way in from Kansas City. I couldn't be more excited. I love having them here - just wish it could be more often. I love that they come for Taylor's birthday. It makes this day that much more special. And while we didn't buy Taylor anything the size of a house this year we did get her a very cool gift. I can't wait to share what it is.

Thinking of special days. . . this weekend is a busy one. We are having Taylor's birthday party tomorrow. I plan on posting lots of pictures on it. We are also looking at a wedding venue and going dress shopping. So maybe after this weekend we will have a wedding date set. Just maybe, no promises yet. It was really important to me that my mom be here for dress shopping so we're squeezing it in while they're here. I've never tried on a wedding dress before. This will be interesting!

That's about all that's going on here. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 


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