January 23, 2013

Back to the Books

Open notebooks, pencils, planners, class schedules, an entrance application and a bowl of chocolate chips . . . all covering my desk that was clean just the day before.

The Spring semester started yesterday and I already feel the pressure to be ahead in both classes. I am taking another math course this semester along with Anatomy and Physiology II. I got an 'A' in my Anatomy and Physiology class last semester and I plan to do the same this go 'round. This A&P course will be more trying. The lab kit I received has several animal organs that I am not particularly looking forward to touching. I do very well when it comes to handling things from a LIVE HUMAN body - not so much deceased animals.  

I stayed up late last night working on homework and by the time I finished I was too tired to really clean anything up so I woke up to find my desk covered with school stuff. I think this might be a constant this semester. The chocolate chips were just to cover my sweet tooth :o)

For the first few weeks of class my schedule is pretty jam packed. I am interviewing for a hospital volunteer position at the beginning of February and by mid February I am submitting my DSN nursing application. Wish me luck! If I get accepted I will be starting September 30th. There is a nursing program starting in July but I thought it would be better to wait until the fall for when Taylor is back in school so we can really enjoy our summer together. 

Taylor has already shown me that she will be my study partner for the next 15 weeks. Yesterday morning I was already in the office when she woke up and she came right in, sat down at her desk and asked if I could get her homework out too. I love that she loves to learn. I hope it stays with her through her early adult years!

So if my posting becomes few and far between it most likely means I have my head in a book . . . or less appealing, a fetal pig.

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