January 29, 2013

Stock Show 2013

Whoa. It's only Tuesday and it's already looking like it's going to be a crazy week. Sunday we relaxed around the house before DJ had to go right back to work but now I feel like I didn't take full advantage of it. Monday we started the day off in t-shirts and jeans, driving home from school with the windows down with intentions of taking Taylor's scooter out for a little bit after her nap. By the time she got up from her nap it was too cold and an hour later we had snow! More snow than I anticipated. And this morning Taylor woke up sick. I hate seeing my baby sick. She's acting just fine but has had a fever all day. I have a feeling it's an ear infection. Before our baby got sick and DJ went back to being called to work every 12 hours we spent a fun family day out at the Stock Show.

This has to be one of my favorite things to do each year. Being a Kansas girl I could go every day and not get sick of it - well maybe sick of the crowds. Sometimes I think I was meant to own a farm/ranch. DJ laughs because I do not mind the smell of live stock and sometimes it just reminds me of my childhood back in Kansas. 
I think cows are so beautiful.

Taylor was pretty excited to see all the animals too.

We went to the rodeo again this year. Last time we went Taylor was too small to really understand anything and sat most of the time. This year she was squirmy and tired of sitting. Of course, right after I took this picture my camera battery died. Thank goodness for cell phones with cameras :o)

Half way through the rodeo Taylor finally stopped people watching and saw that they were doing team roping. I had to explain what they were doing and when I told her that a couple guys were going to go untie the calf she told me that it didn't matter and it was just rude! Poor thing. 

She got a cowgirl hat this year. We were skeptical at first because we figured she would wear it once and it'd sit in her closet until the stock show next year. She was so funny though and told us she'd wear it with lots of outfits. Her Daddy couldn't resist and I was happy he couldn't. Since then she has tried wearing it to the grocery store and has been wearing it around the house. She may have been born in Colorado but I think being raised by us she'll always be a lil' country at heart. 

And what's a trip to the stock show without a ride on the ponies? She asked DJ and I to let her ride alone. She wanted to go ride a horse by herself just like Pioneer Woman does. She's really starting to get independent. 

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