January 17, 2013


Taylor is always a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON (VIP) for DJ and I but for one week of the school year she gets to be the class VIP. Man does she ever get excited about this!

She wanted to pick out her own outfit for her last day of being VIP.
 My little fashionista in the making! Before we left for school she had paired this outfit with yellow princess high heels. . . 
She gets to take show'n'tell on both days of class, gets to be the special class helper, wears a special ribbon on her shirt and her teachers help her fill out a paper about herself. 

Last year was her first year of preschool and it was too cute to see. She took Gabby and Baby Alive for show'n'tell last year and this was the form she filled out . . . 

I love that the teachers do this with them every year. I may have to write these things down each year just for my own memories sake.

I didn't get a picture of her form yet but it was pretty darn cute. Her favorite food is still Daddy's steak but now it's Daddy's Steak with Mom's Corn. I sure am good at opening that canned corn and putting it in a pot! :o)

Her favorite thing to do is still play with her babies and her favorite movie is still the Barbie and the Three Musketeers.

I am not sure where she got this (maybe the cooking show we watched the night before about making glazed donuts) but her eyes are no longer just brown. They are 'glazed brown'!

To my relief she doesn't want to work in the concrete business anymore. Nope, now she told her teacher she wants to be a stay-at-home-mom with 3 girls! She's a girl after my own heart but I'd at least like to have a boy in the mix. :o)

On Monday she took Grandpa for show'n'tell. She told her class about going camping, playing in the backyard and getting to help grandpa take care of all his plants. When one of her teachers, Ms. Chris, asked Taylor what she liked to do in Grandpa's yard she said "pick up dog poop". It was priceless! 

I looked back at her first day of school pictures and I wanted to cry just seeing how much she has changed.

(2011-2012 school year)

(2012-2013 school year)
I can't wait to see how much our little VIP changes next year!  

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