May 8, 2013

Catch Up

I have been stuck for weeks trying to figure out how to even begin catching the blog up on recent events around here. I don't have many pictures to chronicle the happenings and I didn't want to bore everyone. What fun is a post without pictures?? So instead I'm deciding to just jump forward. I'll share some tid bits of what has been going on so we're all on the same page but they won't be as detailed as I'd originally planned. That would take too much time. Hopefully you can keep up with the changes. . .

I'm working again! I also changed my major. I'm no longer going to school for nursing. One day I'll get around to explaining my reasons but for now I'll leave it at that. I'm teaching preschool and will be majoring in Childhood Education. So far I am loving it! I'll start the first of my education classes this summer. I know - huge change. But I am really looking forward to what these changes will bring for our family.

Taylor is going to a new school now. She's actually going to the same school I teach at but we are in different classrooms. She's having a great time but I still miss her old teachers. Those women were amazing!

DJ has been hitting the books pretty hard lately. He's almost finished with the program he's in for work. His test is about a week away and even though he is nervous as ever I know he will do great!

In almost one month exactly I will be an Aunt again (at least if she comes on her due date that is!). We threw a baby shower for Jess this past weekend and it was great! I'll post pictures soon.

Other than those major changes in our lives things have been pretty normal around here. Returning to work was an adjustment for all of us but we've handled it really well. I'm teaching so close to home that I can come home on my lunch breaks and take care of odds and ends here. I really love the school and the people I work with too which always helps!

So now that everyone is all caught up I can get back to blogging like I used to! I'll post new pictures soon!

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