April 16, 2008

The Price You Pay For Taking A Day Off Work

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday. And what a great day it was! The weather was forecast to be 78 degrees (amazing for early April). Normally around my birthday it's snowing, raining or just plain freezing. I can't remember the last warm birthday I had. Because the weather was going to be so nice, and DJ had the day off work, I decided to use my one free personal holiday for the year.

I woke up early and did laundry, dishes and picked up the house. The sun was out, there were no clouds in the sky, you could hear the birds outside. My disposition was just sunny! DJ had plans to help his dad finish laying a patio in their backyard and I knew I didn't want to spend my birthday and day off cooped up inside. After I finished a few things around the house I headed over there. We ate breakfast burritos when I got there and shortly after that I settled on top of the trampoline with my new book. I switched to a shaded tree after about 30 minutes but the day was so relaxing. I can't remember the last time I was able to relax all day in the warm weather and do nothing but read a book (almost in it's entirety). Gabby was there with us and she discovered the spray attachment on the garden hose. She went nuts trying to bite and attach the water. It was the cutest thing I have seen from her and she was so well behaved all day.

But. . . with all good must come some bad. Even though the time spent in the sun was early in the morning (9am) and the hottest time of the day was spent in the shade, I have a very nasty sun burn to show for it. I was wearing Capri's so the front of my shins and the tops of my feet are lobster red. My shoulders, upper back and arms are lobster red as well. In fact, even the top of my hands are burnt! Really getting some color in my face would have been nice but the only thing that got any color was my nose and it isn't even burnt. I guess that's the price I pay for taking a nice day off work.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Oh, I can't wait for my first "pink" of the season. That sounds so yummy right now!

I'm having breakfast your dad, Cheryl,Kara & Maxine tomorrow.