February 22, 2009

Changing Life Styles

DJ and I joined a new gym this weekend; Lifetime Fitness. This gym is amazing; more like a spa than a gym if you ask me though but that is not any complaining from me. This gym has over 6,000 sq ft of equipment, an indoor lap pool, family pool, 2 over sized hot tubs with 5 ft water falls, a sauna, 2 full size basketball courts, indoor rock climbing wall, salon with the works, a healthy cafe, a kids area; I could keep going but I think I'll stop. I can't wait for my first work out in this new gym. I am looking forward to the pilates and yoga studios (they even offer heat yoga!), cycling classes and classes that are offered all day every day. One of my goals for 2009 was to get back into shape and be able to run the entire 39.3 miles breast cancer walk! DJ's goal has been to get back into shape for a while and he has been very good at going to the gym when he can. The new gym offers basketball, soccer, volleyball, and flag football leagues. I want to join the volleyball and DJ is looking forward to the flag football. I'll let you know how the classes are when I take them.

As a new member you are also given 2 complimentary sessions with a personal trainer.In the first session they will go over your goals and work out schedules, also tell you you BMI( Body Mass Index) and everything else you want to know but don't really want to know. I am excited about this. No, I am not looking forward to hearing how much body fat I have but I do think these are critical things to know when trying to reach certain work out goals. I am also looking forward to learning about new weight lifting machines - this gym has machines I have never seen in a gym before. I can just picture me now - like a mickey mouse cartoon where Goofy gets tangled up in the gym equipment (I'm sure many of you have seen this cartoon!)

Now, to get back on track. DJ and I agreed with each other that this will have to be a joint effort. We also think this will make our bond stronger. We are going to go to the gym together on Wednesday and Thursday nights when I get off work and Saturday and Sunday mornings before he goes to work; and if it's possible maybe sneak in a night or two by ourselves but that might be pushing it for my energy level. So we also decided if we were really going to go through with this we would need to start eating healthy- realistically healthy. So I told him I would gather new healthy recipes, make a menu plan and grocery list. So I got online today and started looking for new recipes. However, I ran into a road block. Because our precious, beautiful little girl grows so much we are constantly buying new clothes and formula so I am not looking to spend a bunch of extra money on groceries; at leas not much more than we are spending now. I understand it's going to take some diligence on both of us to clip our coupons more often (I love coupons), seeking out deals more and possibly shopping at more than one store (we already buy in bulk at Sam's club). But every recipe I found called for most ingredients that are rare or spices that I don't have in my spice rack or cupboard yet - I hate the price of spices! So here's my problem, how am I going to quickly find easy to make healthy recipes that are not almost impossible to make on my current grocery budget? If anyone has any I would love to get them!

Taylor has been so precious lately. She got a very special treat on Wednesday night though! Grandma Carrie fed her rice cereal with a spoon for the first time. DJ sent me a text message picture of it and it was so cute! So now she is one step closer to being able to eat baby food - I am so happy about this because I look forward to the day I won't have to buy bulk in formula just to get us through one week! :) Currently Taylor is getting a 6 ounce bottle every 2 hours. The largest container of formula, which runs about $23 after using a $5 rebate check from Similac (I appreciate those) only makes about 36 bottles. So yay for baby food!

She is starting to giggle. Yesterday she laughed when I played peek-a-boo with her. She loves when her daddy blows kisses onto her neck. She is too cute. She doesn't cry too much except for when she is hungry. She still sleeps through the night which has been a true blessing. She's starting to show signs of getting coordinated enough to crawl too. And her new trick . . . blowing bubbles! It's adorable but I always end up with spit in my face! At least it's not intentional. :)

I'll keep everyone posted on my workout progress. I think if I blog about it I might be more inclined to work harder because I'll be sharing my success with everyone who reads my blog. . . whoever that might be.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

For eating healthy, what about trying lean proteins and low-glycemic veggies? Chicken breast, salmon steaks, tuna, hard boiled eggs, sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, etc. Make a large salad on Sunday that can get you through at least 3-4 days. If you do pasta, buy whole wheat and stay away from the creamy sauces. Marinara is a good one. You can do these on a budget plus they're easy to fix.