January 13, 2010

Learning To Let Go . . .

Is something I have never been good at. In fact, I don't think I ever really learned how to let go. I never had a good role model for this growing up, I know it's not an excuse, but we learn a lot from our elders and the people raising us. It's not always a good thing. I harber anger that I shouldn't - a lot from my childhood and a lot of experiences in which I feel I was wronged. Deep down I know I just need to let go, let the small things slide, don't worry so much about the things I can't control but somehow it never clicks and I go against my better judgement anyways. Because of this I have a lot of misdirected anger. And for those who it affect, I'm sorry. So I am going to counseling at the end of this month to get help letting go of the things I can't seem to let go of on my own. I am also going to take a class called "Healthy Anger". Never knew there was such a thing?!?! I hope this helps with my anger, realizing that some things just don't deserve so much attention and frustration. So for part of my 25 Before 25, along with my other New Year's resolutions, I said I wanted to be genuinely happy. Here is the first step. I can't imagine I am the only person that holds onto grudges, hurt feelings and the small stuff. I will blog about my experience and what it teaches me and hopefully others will learn from it too.

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