January 30, 2011

Don't Blink

Everyone always said Taylor would be 18 before DJ and I knew it. I always laughed and thought it wouldn't go by as fast as everyone said it would. They were right. Now DJ and I look at Taylor and wonder how she went
from this . . .

(This is one of my favorite pictures of Taylor. Her eyes and forehead look just like my Grandpa Ed in this picture)

To this. . .
(She was so excited because we matched!)
(Her new fav activity is doing her hair. It's adorable)

It makes me so sad. DJ just looks at her and can't believe some of the things she says to him now. We are both wondering what happen to our little baby.

Speaking of babies -
Taylor loves her baby doll

Lately it has been going every where with us. She sleeps with it, cleans it (with baby wipes of course), changes it's clothes, constantly wraps baby up and lays her down for naps. It's so cute. We asked Taylor what baby's name was and she told us "My Daughter". She won't change the name either. We were at a wrestling match on Saturday and when someone asked what her baby's name was she simply told them "My Daughter". She carries this little baby around the house and says "My daughter loves me". It's the cutest thing. My heart strings feel a little tug every time she asks me to wrap baby up. I just can't believe that the blankets Tay uses to wrap her baby up are the same blankets DJ and I used to use to swaddle Tay and even the blanket we brought her home from the hospital with. Our little baby isn't very little anymore.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

love the towel head picture! you're both so cute :)