April 20, 2011

Kansas . . . Part 1

There are no right words to explain our trip to Kansas City at the beginning of this month. Since we got home I have been trying to find the right way to explain our trip but nothing I thought of summed it up. So forgive me if this post seems all over the place - I just needed to get it out soon.

I've always been close with my sister and spending so much time with her really made me take a hard look at our relationship. And let me tell you, there is no bond stronger than the bond two sisters share.

Let's start from the beginning. . .

Our flight to KS was very early - like leave the house at 4:30am early. Taylor did really good. She was afraid so the stewardess gave her M&M's to help calm her fears.
I was so happy for Taylor and my parents. They really needed some quality bonding time since we hardly get to see each other.

Taylor made a fabulous cake and cupcakes with my mom (we've decided to make it again this weekend :o) ).

She LOVED getting to dye the 'grass' green for the cake

We also let Taylor place the eyes and nose on the bunny by herself. . . Maybe she just wanted the bunny to be looking at her. . .  

But after some facial reconstruction the Bunny cake turned out beautiful.
**To make the cake we used one box (any flavor) of cake mix. Bake the cake in two round cake pans by following the directions on the box. You'll only need one round cake for the bunny so you'll have an extra one left over. Once the cakes are cooled completely cut one cake in half. Using a small amount of frosting, secure both halves together with the cut piece on bottom. Using a small amount of frosting again, secure the cut end of the cake to the bottom of a cake stand. Once the cake halves are secured, cut a small triangle at one end (this is there the ears will go). Frost the cake and sprinkle with shredded coconut. In a small bowl, mix a large handful of shredded coconut with a few drops green food coloring. Add the green coconut to the cake stand surrounding the bunny to represent 'grass'. We use jelly beans for the eyes and nose and sprikle a few in the grass to look like Easter eggs. I use pink construction paper to cut and fold ears. Once the cake is cut and frosted it is a great cake to let the kids decorate themselves!

We took a trip to Cottonwood Falls one day to visit with my grandma and other family. I was so happy to see everyone even if it was for a short time.

I think one thing Taylor loved most was swinging on the back deck. . .
. . . and having Aunt Kara wrapped around her little finger.

We did lots of fun activities with Taylor. We colored Easter pieces for Tic-Tac-Toe, made sock puppets and she got to help grandma bake lots of cookies

To be continued. . .

1 comment:

Nancy said...

it was so good to see you two! wish we'd have had more time but i'll take what i can get. nice to see gma d's pic here :)